Female -Shaded Sable
Female -Shaded Sable
MDR1 Neg by parentage

Meet Jojo - Jojo came to us as at 18 months old from a cattle ranch. She was well started with basic obedience and cattle working by her breeder and EVERYONE always comments on how polite she is. She's a dog that listens to what you explain to her and just understands. Brilliantly smart , family guardian and mother to the litter you will soon meet. During the day, Jojo helps me keep watch over farm animals and my three children. She’s gentle with babies - human and animal alike, polite with strangers, a wonderful traveling companion and fiercely loyal to her adopted family. She is very inclined to herd, and is not afraid to use force if needed. She is diplomatic with the other dogs here and always defers to us as to how she should react. Her instincts and character bode well for her litter.
Wingo Ranch Jojo
Sire Beebe's Wingo Vegas
Dam Winog Ranch Hazel
SS Cedar Creek Todd
SD Beebe's Cuddles Sassy
DS Earth Angels Cowboy
DD Cedar Creek Wingo's Mocha
Gibson x Cooper Litter
Sep 3, 2018
We expect our puppies to be strong, all-around farm and family dogs. We breed for good rule-keepers and strong guardian nature - dogs who work well with families and a dog pack. All of our puppies are socialized at an early age with our three small children as well as with cats, chickens, ducks, goats, cattle ,and pigs. They are also expected to be trustworthy around young stock and our herds in our absence.