Female -Shaded Sable
Female -Shaded Sable
MDR1 Neg by parentage

Meet Gibson - our brilliant, family guardian and mother to the litter you will soon meet. She bonds tightly to family, walking bedroom to bedroom during the night just to check in. During the day, Gibson helps me keep watch over farm animals and my three children. She’s gentle with babies - human and animal alike, polite with but watchful of strangers, and fiercely loyal to her adopted family. She is not naturally inclined to herd, but is not averse to keeping stock in order when absolutely necessary or herding an escape pig or goat until pens can be mended. She does keep the livestock at bay when my babies are around. Her instincts and character bode well for her litter.
Wingo Ranch Gibson
Sire Beebe's Wingo Vegas
Dam Shastams McCall
SS Cedar Creek Todd
SD Beebe's Cuddles Sassy
DS Gate beautiful sergeant powell
DD McCall's Sissy
SSS Egersen's Copperfield
SSD Egertsen's Sasha Marie
SDS Beebe's Kansas MJ
SDD Beebe's Luci Cuddles
DDS Burcher Gate Beautiful Abraham
DDD Gate Beautiful Sarah of Cimarron
DDS McCalls Ringo
DDD McCalls Gabby
Gibson's Previous Litter (only 2 pups) with Hank-on their first birthday