Our Goats
We Love Goats here at Edens Lilly. I received my first baby goat at the age of two from the hands of my ranching grandmother and instantly fell in Love.
We breen Nigerian Dwarves, Nubians and my biggest love ( and biggest herd) are the Mini Nubians.
I breed for goats that graze, are hardy, parasite resistant, and have strong frames and feet. On this frame I expect them to have strongly attached, high udders that are safe from injury as they traverse the pasture, and empty down to nothing. Either hand milking or machine we believe productive teats are those that point inward with a good medial ligament, are a long and slender size and express easily with big orifices. As a cherry on top we LOVE blue eyes and lots of spots, IF it comes on a nice sturdy productive frame!!!
Our breeding lineup
Clicking on each goats name will take you to their page with pedigree, more info and more photos!
Daffodil is a very small doe but makes up for it in her power of width and depth, she is strong in feet and legs and has always been a fat easy keeper. Strong brisket and lots of width between those front legs. Her will to milk is astounding, several times we have had her near dried up and then been able to bring her back in. I would like to add some frame to her, Possibly breeding her to Walter. If he is to young to do the job them Jacob.
June 2023 Kids will be 1st gen

Edenslilly Poplars Walter
Level ,wide, smoothly blended, and so long,
as a baby esting our of the creep feeder his booty alwasy stuck out the farthest, by far! I unfortunantly do not have good photos of his dams udder as she got unexpectedly sick a few months after birth and never bounced back. Though she did miss her milk star b only one point even not feeling her best. His littername sister Is Willma. The width on these two is astounding! Moonspots and blue eyes to boot.

Oregano is a very small doe but makes up for it in her power of width and depth, she is strong in feet and legs and has always been a fat easy keeper. Strong brisket and lots of width between those front legs (click her name for more pictures!) Her udder texture is like butter withe an ideal for udder and nice width across the top. I would like to add some frame and ears to her breeding her to Rocket
June 2023 Doe will be 2nd gen

Edenslilly Poplars Walter
Level ,wide, smoothly blended, and so long,
as a baby esting our of the creep feeder his booty alwasy stuck out the farthest, by far! I unfortunantly do not have good photos of his dams udder as she got unexpectedly sick a few months after birth and never bounced back. Though she did miss her milk star b only one point even not feeling her best. His littername sister Is Willma. The width on these two is astounding! Moonspots and blue eyes to boot.

Alice Is out of Amaryllis and Amberguine.
April 2022
Kids will be 2nd gen-Blue eyes and Moonspots

Edenslilly Poplars Walter
Level ,wide, smoothly blended, and so long,
as a baby esting our of the creep feeder his booty alwasy stuck out the farthest, by far! I unfortunantly do not have good photos of his dams udder as she got unexpectedly sick a few months after birth and never bounced back. Though she did miss her milk star b only one point even not feeling her best. His littername sister Is Willma. The width on these two is astounding! Moonspots and blue eyes to boot.

This doe is long and stylish, smoothly blended with a feminine neck, very angular, with straight strong feet and legs. I would like to add a but of width to her frame. Her udder is shapely held up high and very soft in texture, i would like to add a bit of rear udder hieght but her for udder is perfection. Jake should add these things in her kids.Click on her name for more pics and info.
Kids will Gen 2-WIth possible Moonspots-
One doe retained

I have been looking to add new blood to my herd for the last two years but was NOT willing to compromise on udder quality and teat placement. I finally found Kessel Run Dairy and Cassandra has the same uncomprimising values on udder quality and strong structure that I do. So Jake came for a visit! I absolutely love his dam’s udder and it is very close to my ideal goal udder. He is also parasite resistant and has strong feet and legs with oodles of breed character.

Poppy is from my Noah Bloodline. This bloodline produces does with capacious udders and wide strong frames, with wonderful straight and wide legsets. long feminine neck and a strong brisket. She has a capacious udder with well set easy to milk teats. I would like to improve upon her hight and breed character which Jacob should help with!
Kids will be 2nd gen
$550-all sold

I have been looking to add new blood to my herd for the last two years but was NOT willing to compromise on udder quality and teat placement. I finally found Kessel Run Dairy and Cassandra has the same uncomprimising values on udder quality and strong structure that I do. So Jake came for a visit! I absolutely love his dam’s udder and it is very close to my ideal goal udder. He is also parasite resistant and has strong feet and legs with oodles of breed character.

Dam of Walter and Willma. Willow as a FF got sick this year a month or so after kidding with penmonia in our weird wet summer! So her milk test was not where we hoped it would be but she only missed getting her milk star by 1 point, and we are sure she will get it this year. She is long and wide and extremely deep with lovely breed character. I hope to level out her rump and give more rear udder hight with Jake.
Kids will be 1st gen
73% N. 27% ND
Blue eyes Possible
$500- Doe retained

I have been looking to add new blood to my herd for the last two years but was NOT willing to compromise on udder quality and teat placement. I finally found Kessel Run Dairy and Cassandra has the same uncomprimising values on udder quality and strong structure that I do. So Jake came for a visit! I absolutely love his dam’s udder and it is very close to my ideal goal udder. He is also parasite resistant and has strong feet and legs with oodles of breed character.

Aspen is the Dam of Shallot- 2x 1st place and1x res champion mini nubian junior doe in a live show.Aspen has alot of strength of width and depth and lots of angulation.
at 22 In tall she consistently milks 5lbs of mil per day with a soft udder and easy to milk teats. I am hoping to add hight and Breed character with Jake
Kids will be 2nd gen Grade
57%N 43%ND
$450- Doe retained

I have been looking to add new blood to my herd for the last two years but was NOT willing to compromise on udder quality and teat placement. I finally found Kessel Run Dairy and Cassandra has the same uncomprimising values on udder quality and strong structure that I do. So Jake came for a visit! I absolutely love his dam’s udder and it is very close to my ideal goal udder. He is also parasite resistant and has strong feet and legs with oodles of breed character.

Another strong Poplar kid , as a yearling Eggplant has a lot of width and depth, she is strong in feet and legs and has always been a fat easy keeper. Strong brisket and lots of width between those front legs. Her twin is Mushroom. Hoping to put hight on her and would secretly would love a blue baby!
Kids will be 2nd gen Grade
75%N 21%ND 3%U
$400- Doe retained

I have been looking to add new blood to my herd for the last two years but was NOT willing to compromise on udder quality and teat placement. I finally found Kessel Run Dairy and Cassandra has the same uncomprimising values on udder quality and strong structure that I do. So Jake came for a visit! I absolutely love his dam’s udder and it is very close to my ideal goal udder. He is also parasite resistant and has strong feet and legs with oodles of breed character.

Pinot is one of our foundation does, the dam of Daffodil and Willow ( dam of Walter and Wilma) She has the power of width and depth, she is strong in feet and legs, and she has a will to milk with a capacious udder. This photo is of her dry.
Kids will be
3rd gen Grade
Edenslilly Lims Valerian
Should add beautiful breed character to his kids
2021 kids Patricia and Pauline

Kids will be
3rd gen Grade

Edenslilly Blue Camembert
Cam has 2 v-show legs, a few reserves, and has a best buck in show title to his name! But as always a bucks worth is in his kids. Sire to Poplar, Daqueri, Mojito, and Bourbon. Cams kids have always had lovely structure, rarely seen width and strength of legs from Mini Nubians and this year his first crop of freshening daughters have beautifully attached globular udders with near ideal teat placement.